George Avetisyan ©

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  1. Strangers from Belize.

    2013 - 2014

    Belize City is the largest city in the Central American country of Belize and was founded as Belize Town in 1638 by British lumber harvesters. It became the home of the thousands of African slaves brought in by the British to assist in the forest industry. Historians often say that the capital was the Colony, because the center of British control was here.

    Nowadays the country is the sixth most dangerous in the world and has the second highest murder rate in the Caribbean. Road conditions are generally very poor. Many of the streets built from colonial days are still small and congested, a majority of houses are still susceptible to fire and damage from hurricanes. Belize City has been directly struck by several hurricanes and at various times areas of the city have been burnt down.

    The series is based on documental examination of the city and city's inhabitants. It explores local strangers, their nature and environment itself through the photographic expedition and observation of human nature where's considerably economical challenges. Compositionally attention is emphasized to their eyes, clothing, skin and body expression as well as interaction with the environment. The place has its own uniqueness, surroundings and wall texture as a strong visual supplement.

    Special thanks to photographer assistants: Julian Faul (South Africa), Maxim Okoneshnikov (Russia) and Eva Bota (Hungary).